THE NORTH HURON BIRDING TRAIL within the St. Ignace area includes the sites starting at Bridge View Park and extending to the Carp Rivermouth. This area has some of the most impressive views of the Straits of Mackinac and the Mackinac Bridge. On the open waters in the spring and fall can be come of Michigan’s most elusive waterfowl at surprisingly close range. Scoter’s, Red-necked Grebe, Red-necked Loons and Long-tailed Ducks can be views from places such as Straits State Park and St. Ignace City Dock #3. In addition, Point La Barbe offers excellent migrant shorebirds and songbird viewing. Many of the areas are also great for spring and summer Warblers, Tanagers, and Vireos. For more information, be sure to check out the North Huron Birding Trail website!

THE SUPERIOR BIRDING TRAIL covers 150 miles in the Upper Peninsula from the Seney National Wildlife Refuge to Whitefish Point; you can observe over 300 bird species here. More than 25,000 bald eagles, red-tailed hawks and other raptors soar high above Whitefish Point during spring migration, and showy songbirds follow closely behind. Catch the show from a shoreline overlook or meet under the starry skies at The Headlands, an International Dark Sky Park, for a special banding session of one of the most diverse mixes of owls in the country. Michigan is edge by 3,000 miles of Great Lakes coastline, all popular bird migration routes for hundreds of bird species. If you are planning a trip that involves some birding, be sure to get all your birding info from the Superior Birding Trail website. Happy birding!